Micaela Terk
Embodied Knowledge Bureau



Role: Director

The Embodied Knowledge Bureau (EKB) began its activities in Fall 2021 as an interdepartmental and extracurricular program, supported by the Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut. We continue to exist as a wandering platform, making space for investigating, reclaiming, and engaging bodily knowledge-forms within academic and artistic research. We position experience and presence as central tools in any creative endeavor, the starting point of any form of research.

From 2021-2022 we hosted over 15 movement workshops, listening sessions, and lectures, working within an interdisciplinary community of practitioners and scholars. EKB has received additional support from the Transmission in Motion Research Group, W139, and Goethe Institute Netherlands.

For inquiries, contact us here.

Shifting Spaces workshop with Tom Goldhand

Clay Lab workshop with Lina Bravo Mora

Alchemist Body workshop with Ria Higler

Website designed by Katharina Nejdl

Poster design by Jan Egbers

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Fall 2023: Digestive Writing Lab ( ⤌ )

( ⤍ ) Relatively, Speaking
( c ) 2019
